Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Things are looking a lot better than they were just a week ago.

Last week I was pretty down in the dumps about the progress my dog was making. Two to four weeks is the normal time dogs start to respond to the  Supraglan and my dog was showing nothing. Not one to fiddle whilst Rome burns I got back on the internet and started doing more research on what else might be out there for my dog.

One thing I noticed on the Supraglan ingredients, there was no milk thistle listed. I do know milk thistle supports liver function and my dog's abdomen has been bloated as hard as a rock which I took to mean liver troubles. I also learned that Omega 3's are helpful in preventing diabetes and also is good for healthy skin and hair. The Cushing's has caused my dog's coat to become dull and he has lost a good deal of hair altogether. He almost has no undercoat whatsoever. Cushing's also has been known to be a contributing cause of diabetes.

Last week, I started giving my dog milk thistle tincture in his water and ground flaxseed in his meals. Of course, I have know way of knowing if what I have added to his regimen is the reason but finally my dog is showing signs of improvement. What I have noted thus far is that his belly is not has hard or bloated, his thirst has lessened by about a cup of water per day. As one would expect his need to go out has lessened. More importantly he is going all night without having to be let out. His appetite seems slightly less. He cleans his bowl but doesn't do it all at once. Koty has never lost his energy or joi de vivre and that remains strong.

This week I am very encouraged. I feel we are finally on the right track and making progress. It's going to be a much merrier Christmas than I thought it was going to be last week.

©Kinsey Barnard


  1. Hey Kinsey we are so pleased to hear that Koty is responding at last, thats great news :) Kiersten & Khumbu
