Wednesday, January 4, 2012


We have have been using the Supraglan  now for seven weeks and I have to say I'm not impressed with the results thus far.

Most of the reviews that I have read on the Supraglan and other products talk about how their pets energy has returned. Koty's has never left. The trouble is he is still thirsty, still voraciously hungry, and still losing his hair. His belly is still distended and hard as a rock. It's the belly that troubles me because I believe this is a sure sign there is a problem with liver function.

Two weeks ago I added milk thistle to the regimen so far there hasn't been much in the way of improvement accept that it seems his belly is tighter on some days than others.

Yesterday we traveled down to the Flathead for supplies. We stopped in at Petco. Koty just loves going in there. When I tell him we're going to Petco where the pets go Koty goes wild. I was there to see if they had any products with SAMe and to check for his oatmeal cookies. Those cookies smell so good I'm tempted to eat them myself.

Before entering the store I took Koty for a walk. Yet, no sooner did we get in the front door than he let loose a torrent. He just stood there with a blank look and it just drained out of him. How he still had that much water still inside him I cannot imagine. I have to hand it to the Petco crew they were extremely nice about it. I was able to get the cookies but no luck on the SAMe. I had to go on line to find what is available for dogs.

I have now ordered something called Denestra. Denestra has SAMe in it. SAMe is supposed to support liver function. Many people have apparently had good results with it for their pets. I'm not as optimistic as I was when I started with the Supraglan. I was so sure Supraglan would fix everything. I guess I just wanted so badly for it to be true.

Will post again after I have given the Denestra for at least a couple of weeks. Unless there is something important to say.

©Kinsey Barnard


  1. thanks for posting. I just was told today that my dog likely has Cushings, and I know my DH is not going to want me spending $$$ for tests and treatments. So I am looking for some naturaly treatments...if you find anything please let me know! I love my Tess... :(

  2. Replies
    1. I too was just told, (after $ testing) that my 11 yr. old Boarder Collie, the love of my life - probably has Cushings. I was going to get Supraglan until I did one last check on "reviews" and found your comments. Have you found an alternative that is working for Koty? Thank you.

    2. Jenny:

      I am just about to write a post on my regular blog that I think will be helpful and have important information. Please check for it and I will post it here too.

  3. My Shih Tzu has cushings and we went to a holistic vet he has her on si mio san and SAM e. I make her dog food and I give her cod liver oil for the arthritis. She has good and bad days but over all doing very well.

  4. I'm glad your puppy is doing well and you've found something that helps. My Lakota has crossed the Rainbow Bridge
